Writing Postgres Extensions - the Basics

Postgres has a ton of features and offers a wide range of data types, functions, operators, and aggregates. But sometimes it’s just not enough for your use case. Luckily, it’s easy to extend Postgres’ functionality through extension. So why not write your own?

Manage Your PostgreSQL Extensions With Pgbundle

One of Postgres’ most powerful features is its extensibility. Although Postgres offers a large number of data types, functions, operators, and aggregates, sometimes you may still want more. Postgres itself already comes with a large amount of additional extensions. Even more can be installed through the PostgreSQL Extension Network and if that is not enough for you, you can also write your own.

However, there isn’t a standard tool for managing Postgres dependencies in applications. To avoid falling into the dependency hell and to enable lean extension development, we developed pgbundle - the Postgres extension management tool.

Rex in Practice: Test-driven Infrastructure

I hate writing tests. There’s only one thing I hate more: not having tests. So I like it when writing and running tests for anything is easy.

In part 1 of Rex in practice series, we got started with describing our infrastructure as code. All of those automation bits are kept in git repositories. They are nothing but code after all. Since they are code, we want them covered by tests.

Rex in Practice: Infrastructure as Code

At adjust we use (R)?ex extensively to automate tasks related to our infrastructure, and we also started to use it for application deployment.

We would like to share our use case with this tool, highlighting some of its features through a series of introductory posts and examples.

Building Your Own User Database for Fun and Profit (and Re-targeting)

Facebook does it, Google does it, Twitter does it. There are many companies that create databases and lists for you to be able to re-engage and re-target your mobile app users. But why not do it yourself and be independent of any 3rd party to tell you who your users are. Today, as a first article of a series, we want to show you the theoretical basics of user databases and why you should run them yourself.